Enjoying the Journey

“Enjoying The Journey” Personal Training and CrossFit to

By: Sarah Rogue

Michelle takes advantage of everything the Pacific NW has to offer.

She’s a windsurfer, hiker & mountain biker… in the Winter she loves to ski!

For years Michelle had been globo-gym-ing it on her own. Initially, Michelle reached out to us for personal training. She had a 40th birthday dream ski trip planned that she wanted to prepare for.

Michelle was adamant that she wanted nothing to do with “CrossFit”. Her impression of CrossFit was that we are all a bunch of crazy tire flipping beasts. We assured her that at OC we are just a bunch of normal everyday people who strive to be healthy & strong. No tires needed.

When we first started working one-on-one with Michelle, she had significant knee pain, difficulty squatting down to parallel and limited upper body range of motion. So we programmed very basic foundational movements; squat, push/press, pull, hinge & carry – as well as accessory work to strengthen her core & posterior chain.

After a few months of personal training, she gained significant strength & endurance. We’ll never forget the text she sent us while skiing on Mt. Hood:

“I skied 3-hours – no pain!”

Eventually, Michelle made the switch from personal training to OC classes and she has been attending 3-5x a week ever since!

While initially Michelle’s focus was weight loss we’ve worked on shifting her focus to building physical & mental strength so she can continue to do all the activities that bring her joy.

Over the years we’ve use the InBody composition scans to track her progress. She’s lost body fat & gained muscle — all of which we would not know if we based her results on body weight alone. Using the InBody tool has given Michelle a better understanding of the changes her body is undergoing and shows that all her hard work is paying off. She feels accomplished and motivated to keep going.

Michelle utilizes OC’s Nutrition Coaching.

With help she knows how to meal prep & fuel her body properly for her goals & activity level.

To be honest there have been times Michelle has been frustrated with her progress. However, she continues to be patient & positive. She shows up consistently & works really hard.

After Michelle’s first CrossFit OPEN workout 19.4 Michelle texted us:

“I’m still super motivated. . . Longest I’ve ever “enjoyed” working out.”

Michelle understands that this is not a get fit quick program – that OG’s program is about sustainable long-lasting results. Most importantly she’s ENJOYING THE JOURNEY!

Michelle’s favorite quote:
“If you have a body, you’re an athlete.” – Bill Bowerman

It has been so fun being a part of Michelle’s fitness & nutrition journey at OC. We can’t wait to see what each new year brings!
Be sure to give Michelle a high-five next time you see her in class!

Does Michelle’s story inspire you to get started on your own journey to health & fitness?

Book a free Intro Consult to meet with us and discuss the best path for your goals: Free Intro Consult

Thank you for checking out OC in Bend, Oregon. OC is Central Oregon’s premier Personal Training, CrossFit and Sports Performance gym.


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